Guido De Zan  - Two or three things I feel I can say (2018)


Anty Panser -  I listen to your heart, city (2018)


Francesco M. Cataluccio  - Little theaters of the life of objects (2018)


Eugenio Alberti Schatz - The possibility of an island (2018)


Guido De Zan - Life's Little Theatre (2008)


Flaminio Gualdoni - Eight Propositions on Guido De Zan (2008)


Giovanna Grossato - Dual Natures (2004)


Lavinia Tonetti - Silent Presence (2003)


Guido De Zan - Twenty Years of Work (1999)


Eugenio Alberti Schatz - Like Deep Towers in the Wind (1998)


Eliana Princi - Da Five Artists, Almost a Diary (1996)


Stefania Gori - Levia Candida (1996)


Bruno Munari - Skin of Clay (1994)


Marcello Sestito - Urban Interiors (1993)


Marcello Sestito - Tablets (1993)


Paola Marini - A Specific Decision (1989)

Guido De Zan


via Pio IV 3

20123 Milano


P IVA 0704440153